SDGpreneur – Global change is personal
Future is here! The world is waiting. How can you contribute?
Do you want to become a leader who can influence and motivate other? Do you want to contribute even more to the Sustainable Development Goals? Do you love to be creative and innovative and want to find new solutions to create a better future for the planet?
The SDGpreneur program is an 8-week online course for high school students from all around the world. It is about initiating and sustaining changes to really contribute to the achievement of the SDG’s.
What is it about
The SDGpreneur journey is about six main discovery and action areas:
UNDERSTAND – The world
What are the SDGs and the main global challenges and how are they interconnected?
PERSONALIZE – Me and the world
What personal action and changes can I take and try out?
INNOVATE – Me and my life
How can I create change in the world?
ACTIVATE – We as a team
How can we turn ideas into real change through people?
ACHIEVE – We and the world
What do we execute, what do we need to adapt and how can we measure?
SUSTAIN – We and the future
How do we need to pivot and how can we scale?
Your benefits
CONNECT YOUR PURPOSE WITH THE WORLD – uncover the possibilities that can be ignited with your gifts and efforts
TAKE ACTION – get clear about what you can change and how.
ENGAGE & INSPIRE OTHERS – learn how to inspire and engage others.
SUSTAIN CHANGE – map the course to sustain changes and become a SDGpreneur.
100 % online, fun and achievement
The SDGpreneur program is a global 8-week program that enables young people to understand and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs – individually, as a team, and in their environments.
The entrepreneurial component of the program steers people down a course of action (individually and as a team).
The program offers different modes of learning and taking-action. Participants gain self-awareness, skills, and tools and techniques to approach complex challenges & to initiate and activate change towards the SDGs.
Online Cohort CourseSTART DATE
December 1, 2020DURATION
8 Weeks (2 weeks break during Christmas)TIME
3-5 Hours/WeekPRICE
Get more information about this course and download the detailed Syllabus.