Driving organizational transformation, changing a leadership culture, bringing leadership principles to live and ensuring a mindset shift / adaption cannot be achieved through traditional learning methods. Dynamic Action Learning offers a new approach for supporting finding the right questions, and new answers for these challenges.

Dynamic Action Learning (DAL) is an advanced development approach which mirrors the participant’s own professional context and dynamic organizational reality as key design element for sustainable and applicable growth and learning.
In a process of working through relevant complex challenges the participant/team “owns” their unique discovery process.
Being responsible for both, the output and outcome challenges the participants in their core and closes the gap between learning and application.

Actionable insights are generated In DAL since the learning context aims to mirror the participants own organizational reality and complexity (often VUCA).
Simulating the actual dynamic of the business context in the design of any development program is a key element of Dynamic Action Learning and helps making reflection and adaption more powerful and sustainable.
DAL integrates critical roles & responsibilities into its design & delivery (formal, informal, self-organized, project-based).
This ensures sustainable development in current / future organizational roles.
This challenges the participants while giving them an opportunity to experiment and reflect on their own decision-making process.

As part of DAL participants take full ownership over their learning & reflection while simultaneously applying organizational leadership principles and enacting personal values ensuring the journey`s outcome.
Inviting participants to take over ownership ensures sustainable and holistic leadership development and change.
Similar to the traditional Action Learning approach DAL`s primary objective is to immerse participants in real & relevant challenges of their actual organization (new product, new leadership skills, cultural / organizational change – transformation, etc.)
Relevant development initiatives always need to start with the challenges, problems, questions leaders have in their actual business environment and not with the solution (training).

AL develops new perspectives in problem solving while applying new tools, methods and approaches to arrive at new questions, perspectives, solutions and answers.
Focusing mainly on application rather than learning adds real value to leaders and their organization. We call it the shift from LX (learning experience) to AX (application experience).
The real impact of AL lies in the ability to inspire a deep learning and reflection process. This requires a humble, curious and connective attitude on a human level.
Dynamic Action Learning facilitation is something totally different from training and teaching. Commitment, motivation, inspiration and ownership for the learning is fully handed over to the participants.