- Clients & Projects
We are aiming to build sustainable and long-term partnerships with our clients, based on trust, integrity and confidentiality. As part of our detailed and co-creative design process we are happy to share more insights about former programs.

Client relationship as key for any organizational change and transformation
For many years, we’ve been deeply committed to creating long-term, positive and sustainable relationships with our clients.
With an emphasis on the power of relationships, we are fully transparent on who we are, what we stand for and how our values shape our idea of successful collaboration, RIGHT from the start.
By connecting on a human level, we strive to make business relationships as fruitful and authentic as possible.
One of the world’s largest and most successful automotive companies
Enabling leaders globally for agile working and leading in an agile context.
DAL design and global delivery.
Participants work on real and relevant challenges from their own orginazation while applying agile approaches and transfering their insights into daily leadership behavior already during the program.

One of the leading premium fashion and lifestyle companies
Enabling regional and country retail area managers in enriching their leadership approach from output to outcome.
DAL design and global delivery.
Participants work on real and relevant retail challenges while taking over responsibility for the development program itself.
One of the largest banks in Germany
Agile Transformation. Enabling leaders and employees for agile approaches and environments.
DAL design and delivery for an internal qualification program for agile coaches. Focusing on the agile Mindset and coaching attitude.

One of the largest regional newspapers in Germany
Digital transformation with a change of the organizational setup and new informal leadership roles in self organized teams.
DAL design and delivery for the project architecture and enablement in new informal leadership roles and self-organized teams.
The 1st international organization that brings together Popular and Cooperative banking players from five continents.
Management Development program with 3 modules. Delivery of Leadership module to offer a holistic leadership approach linked to the cooperative values.
DAL design and delivery of the learning journey as a combination of leadership challenges, organizational visits and cultural elements. Participants take over full responsibility for output and outcome.

One of the world`s leaders in the field of sanitary products
Global talent development program with 3 modules. Enabling them to take the next career steps and apply strategic & entrepreunrial leadership while building high performance teams.
DAL design and delivery of the entire program working on real and relevant innovation ideas while applying additional leadership approaches and defining roadmaps for the implementation of the new product ideas into the strategic compass of the organization.
One of the wold`s largest reinsurance companies
Leadership development program for the top 50 talents globally. Doing good while helping them to get out of their comfortzones and taking over leadership.
DAL design and delivery of the program, including 30 refugees into the program and creating new opportunities for the leaders and the refugees for their individual and organizational / community growth.

and many more…