The Future We Create …
… versus the future we accept

The Dynamic Action Learning Community is the place to reimagine the landscape of leadership development and transformational change to support organizations and individuals to make a positive impact to business, society and our planet.

Open Enrollment

It is not about learning! We focus on supporting you in discovering the new questions that lead to better answers for your real and relevant business challenges

The Scrumforce

Solving urgent business challenges in 2 days rather than 6 months or more…

An agile setting for solving real, relevant & urgent business challenges.

The Scrum-Force is a 2-3 day workshop setting, in which a diverse team of people work iteratively on developing solutions for concrete, relevant and urgent business challenges.

The team members have all required expertise and experiences, integrate various perspectives and are committed to develop a solution.

Stakeholders define the requirements of the solution (the product to develop) and participate in at least 3 reviews during the Scrum-Force.


New perspectives, ideas and solutions for business challenges are not developed within organizational silos.

It also take takes extensive time and coordination and does not ensure a common understanding. 

The potential of insights, expertise and experience across hierarchy and departments is not fully used.

Therefore, organizational buy-in and effectiveness are reduced. Potential resistance when executing the solution can emerge.


Defining the participating team members with all expertise, experience and knowledge needed for developing a solution.

Facilitating ongoing time-boxed iterations (sprints) and periodic reviews with stakeholders (at least 3!).

Focusing on day 1 on “creating opportunities / scenarios / various ideas” (design thinking).

Focusing on day 2 on “developing solutions”, which meet the requirements of the stakeholders (scrum).

Being crystal clear about the “product” (solution), which needs to be delivered and defining the requirements and conditions (flexible versus fix) the product needs to fulfill.

Get the right people and solution for your business & learning needs

Ensure learning & development contributes to organizational development and impact

24/7 emergency facilitation

A high urgency topic is brought forward by a team/department in your organization, where you need a extraordinary facilitor who needs almost no preparation? We are happy to provide you the right people within days.

Early Stage Design Sparring

The need to design a new corporate leadership development program? We are happy to discuss with you your initial design and share with you the opportunities DAL can offer for transformative corporate learning.

Join the DAL Community

Explore previous experience with experiential / action learning facilitator and want to enrich your expertise with DAL elements? We are happy to welcome unique facilitators into our community.

Get in touch

    Get the information you want and the support you need.
    We are happy to chat!


    Apply 21st century skills